Text Editor
Framework7 comes with a touch-friendly Rich Text Editor component. It is based on modern "contenteditable" API so it should work everywhere as is.
It comes with the basic set of formatting features. But its functionality can be easily extended and customized to fit any requirements.
Text Editor Layout
<div class="text-editor">
<div class="text-editor-content" contenteditable></div>
To make editor resizable (when its height will fit to its content), we need to add text-editor-resizable
class to editor element:
<!-- additional "text-editor-resizable" class -->
<div class="text-editor text-editor-resizable">
<div class="text-editor-content" contenteditable></div>
Text Editor App Methods
Let's look at related App methods to work with Text Editor:
app.textEditor.create(parameters)- create Text Editor instance
- parameters - object. Object with Text Editor parameters
Method returns created Text Editor instance
app.textEditor.destroy(el)- destroy Text Editor instance
- el - HTMLElement or string (with CSS Selector) or object. Text Editor element or Text Editor instance to destroy.
app.textEditor.get(el)- get Text Editor instance by HTML element
- el - HTMLElement or string (with CSS Selector). Text Editor element.
Method returns Text Editor's instance
For example:
var textEditor = app.textEditor.create({
el: '#my-text-editor',
value: <code><p>Hello</p></code>,
Text Editor Parameters
Let's look on list of all available Text Editor parameters:
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
el | HTMLElement string | Text Editor element. HTMLElement or string with CSS selector of editor element | |
value | string | Text editor initial html content value. Initial value can also be placed as inner HTML content of
| |
placeholder | string | Editor placeholder content displayed when it is empty. By default it is not specified | |
mode | string | toolbar | Text editor buttons mode. Can be:
buttons | array | Array with editor buttons, or array of arrays (groups) with editor buttons. By default all buttons enabled and its default value is:
| |
dividers | boolean | true | Adds visual divider between buttons group |
imageUrlText | string | Insert image URL | Prompt text that appears on image url request |
linkUrlText | string | Insert link URL | Prompt text that appears on link url request |
clearFormattingOnPaste | boolean | true | When enabled it will clear any formatting on paste from clipboard |
customButtons | object | Object with custom buttons. Object property key is the button id that should be used in For example to specify custom button that will add
| |
on | object | Object with events handlers. For example:
Note that all following parameters can be used in global app parameters under textEditor
property to set defaults for all text editors. For example:
var app = new Framework7({
textEditor: {
buttons: ['bold', 'italic'],
Text Editor Methods & Properties
After we initialize Text Editor we have its initialized instance in variable (like textEditor
variable in examples above) with helpful methods and properties:
Properties | |
textEditor.app | Link to global app instance |
textEditor.el | Text Editor container HTML element |
textEditor.$el | Dom7 instance with Text Editor container HTML element |
textEditor.contentEl | Text Editor content (contenteditalbe ) HTML element |
textEditor.$contentEl | Dom7 instance with Text Editor content (contenteditalbe ) HTML element |
textEditor.value | HTML value of the Text Editor |
textEditor.params | Object with initialization parameters |
Methods | |
textEditor.setValue(value) | Set new Text Editor value. value is the HTML string. |
textEditor.getValue() | Returns current Text Editor value |
textEditor.clearValue() | Clear Text Editor value |
textEditor.getSelectionRange() | Returns current selection Range |
textEditor.setSelectionRange(range) | Set selection based on passed Range |
textEditor.destroy() | Destroy Text Editor instance and remove all events |
textEditor.on(event, handler) | Add event handler |
textEditor.once(event, handler) | Add event handler that will be removed after it was fired |
textEditor.off(event, handler) | Remove event handler |
textEditor.off(event) | Remove all handlers for specified event |
textEditor.emit(event, ...args) | Fire event on instance |
Text Editor Events
Text Editor will fire the following DOM events on text editor element and events on app andtext editor instance:
DOM Events
Event | Description |
texteditor:init | Event will be triggered when on editor initialization |
texteditor:change | Event will be triggered when editor value has been changed |
texteditor:input | Event will be triggered on editor's content "input" event |
texteditor:focus | Event will be triggered on editor's content focus |
texteditor:blur | Event will be triggered on editor's content blur |
texteditor:buttonclick | Event will be triggered on editor button click |
texteditor:keyboardopen | Event will be triggered when editor keyboard toolbar appears |
texteditor:keyboardclose | Event will be triggered when editor keyboard toolbar disappears |
texteditor:popoveropen | Event will be triggered on editor popover open |
texteditor:popoverclose | Event will be triggered on editor popover close |
texteditor:beforedestroy | Event will be triggered right before Text Editor instance will be destroyed |
App and Text Editor Instance Events
Text Editor instance emits events on both self instance and app instance. App instance events has same names prefixed with textEditor
Event | Target | Arguments | Description |
init | textEditor | (editor) | Event will be triggered when on editor initialization. |
textEditorInit | app | ||
change | textEditor | (editor) | Event will be triggered when on editor initialization. |
textEditorChange | app | ||
input | textEditor | (editor) | Event will be triggered on editor's content "input" event. |
textEditorInput | app | ||
focus | textEditor | (editor) | Event will be triggered on editor's content focus. |
textEditorFocus | app | ||
blur | textEditor | (editor) | Event will be triggered on editor's content blur. |
textEditorBlur | app | ||
buttonClick | textEditor | (editor, button) | Event will be triggered on editor button click. As second argument event handler receives id of the clicked button, e.g. bold |
textEditorButtonClick | app | ||
keyboardOpen | textEditor | (editor) | Event will be triggered when editor keyboard toolbar appears. |
textEditorKeyboardOpen | app | ||
keyboardClose | textEditor | (editor) | Event will be triggered when editor keyboard toolbar disappears. |
textEditorKeyboardClose | app | ||
popoverOpen | textEditor | (editor) | Event will be triggered on editor popover open. |
textEditorPopoverOpen | app | ||
popoverClose | textEditor | (editor) | Event will be triggered on editor popover close. |
textEditorPopoverClose | app | ||
beforeDestroy | textEditor | (editor) | Event will be triggered right before Text Editor instance will be destroyed. |
textEditorBeforeDestroy | app |
Text Editor Auto Initialization
If you don't need to use Text Editor API and your Text Editor is inside of the page and presented in DOM on moment of page initialization then it can be auto initialized with just adding additional text-editor-init
<!-- Add text-editor-init class -->
<div class="text-editor text-editor-init">
<div class="text-editor-content" contenteditable></div>
In this case if you need to access created Text Editor instance you can use the app.textEditor.get
app method:
var textEditor = app.textEditor.get('.my-text-editor');
if (!textEditor.value) {
// do something
When using auto init you may need to pass additional parameters. It can be done with data-
attributes on panel element.
<!-- parameters set via data- attributes -->
class="text-editor text-editor-init"
Parameters used in camelCase, for example imageUrlText, in data- attributes should be used in kebab-case as data-image-url-text
CSS Variables
Below is the list of related CSS variables (CSS custom properties).
:root {
--f7-text-editor-font-size: inherit;
--f7-text-editor-font-weight: inherit;
--f7-text-editor-border-width: 1px;
--f7-text-editor-height: 250px;
--f7-text-editor-margin: 16px;
--f7-text-editor-padding: 8px;
--f7-text-editor-button-bg-color: transparent;
--f7-text-editor-button-size: 28px;
--f7-text-editor-button-icon-size: 20px;
--f7-text-editor-button-margin: 2px;
--f7-text-editor-text-color: #000;
--f7-text-editor-bg-color: #fff;
--f7-text-editor-button-divider-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15);
:root .dark,
:root.dark {
--f7-text-editor-bg-color: #121212;
--f7-text-editor-text-color: #fff;
--f7-text-editor-button-divider-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15);
.ios {
--f7-text-editor-toolbar-padding: 6px;
--f7-text-editor-button-border-radius: 2px;
--f7-text-editor-placeholder-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.35);
--f7-text-editor-toolbar-border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);
--f7-text-editor-toolbar-bg-color: #fff;
--f7-text-editor-border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
--f7-text-editor-button-text-color: #333;
.ios .dark,
.ios.dark {
--f7-text-editor-placeholder-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.35);
--f7-text-editor-toolbar-bg-color: #121212;
--f7-text-editor-toolbar-border-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1);
--f7-text-editor-toolbar-bg-color: #202020;
--f7-text-editor-border-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1);
--f7-text-editor-button-text-color: #fff;
.md {
--f7-text-editor-button-border-radius: 8px;
--f7-text-editor-toolbar-padding: 8px;
.md .dark,
.md [class*='color-'] {
--f7-text-editor-placeholder-color: var(--f7-md-on-surface-variant);
--f7-text-editor-toolbar-bg-color: var(--f7-md-surface-1);
--f7-text-editor-border-color: var(--f7-md-outline);
--f7-text-editor-button-text-color: var(--f7-md-on-surface);
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<div class="title">富文本编辑器</div>
<div class="page-content">
<div class="block">
<p>Framework7配备了一个触摸友好的富文本编辑器组件。它基于现代的"contenteditable" API,因此应该可以在任何地方正常工作。</p>
<div class="block-title">默认设置</div>
<div class="text-editor text-editor-init">
<div class="text-editor-content" contenteditable></div>
<div class="block-title">带占位符</div>
<div class="text-editor text-editor-init" data-placeholder="Enter text...">
<div class="text-editor-content" contenteditable></div>
<div class="block-title">带默认值</div>
<div class="text-editor text-editor-init" data-placeholder="Enter text...">
<div class="text-editor-content" contenteditable>
<p>Lorem, ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Consequatur sunt, sapiente quis eligendi
consectetur hic asperiores assumenda quidem dolore quasi iusto tenetur commodi qui ullam sint sed alias!
Consequatur, dolor!</p>
<p>Provident reiciendis exercitationem reprehenderit amet repellat laborum, sequi id quam quis quo quos facere
veniam ad libero dolorum animi. Nobis, illum culpa explicabo dolorem vitae ut dolor at reprehenderit magnam?
<p>Qui, animi. Dolores dicta, nobis aut expedita enim eum assumenda modi, blanditiis voluptatibus excepturi
non pariatur. Facilis fugit facere sequi molestias nemo in, suscipit inventore consequuntur, repellat
perferendis, voluptas odit.</p>
<p>Tempora voluptates, doloribus architecto eligendi numquam facilis perspiciatis autem quam voluptas maxime
ratione harum laudantium cum deleniti. In, alias deserunt voluptatibus eligendi libero nobis est unde et
perspiciatis cumque voluptatum.</p>
<p>Quam error doloribus qui laboriosam eligendi. Aspernatur quam pariatur perspiciatis reprehenderit atque
dicta culpa, aut rem? Assumenda, quibusdam? Reprehenderit necessitatibus facere nemo iure maiores porro
voluptates accusamus quibusdam. Nesciunt, assumenda?</p>
<div class="block-title">指定按钮</div>
<div class="block-header">可以自定义显示哪些按钮(命令)。</div>
<div class="text-editor text-editor-init" data-placeholder="Enter text..."
data-buttons='[["bold", "italic", "underline", "strikeThrough"], ["orderedList", "unorderedList"]]'>
<div class="text-editor-content" contenteditable></div>
<div class="block-title">自定义按钮 </div>
<div class="block-header">可以创建自定义编辑按钮。这是一个自定义的“hr”按钮,可以添加水平线:</div>
<div class="text-editor text-editor-custom-buttons">
<div class="text-editor-content" contenteditable></div>
<div class="block-title">可以调整大小</div>
<div class="block-header">编辑器将根据其内容调整大小。</div>
<div class="text-editor text-editor-init text-editor-resizable" data-placeholder="Enter text..."
data-buttons='["bold", "italic", "underline", "strikeThrough"]'>
<div class="text-editor-content" contenteditable></div>
<div class="block-title"> 弹出模式</div>
<div class="block-header">在这种模式下,没有工具栏按钮,但当您选择编辑器中的任何文本时,它们会以弹出窗口的形式出现。</div>
<div class="text-editor text-editor-init" data-placeholder="Enter text..."
data-buttons='["bold", "italic", "underline", "strikeThrough"]' data-mode="popover"
style="--f7-text-editor-height: 150px">
<div class="text-editor-content" contenteditable></div>
<div class="block-title">键盘工具栏模式</div>
<div class="block-header">在这种模式下,当编辑器处于焦点状态时,将在虚拟键盘上方显示带有按钮的工具栏。它仅在iOS、Android Cordova应用程序和Android Chrome中受支持。如果不支持,它将回退到“弹出”模式。</div>
<div class="text-editor text-editor-init" data-placeholder="Enter text..." data-mode="keyboard-toolbar"
style="--f7-text-editor-height: 150px">
<div class="text-editor-content" contenteditable></div>
<div class="block-title">作为列表的输入</div>
<div class="block-header">文本编辑器可以与其他输入一起使用。在这个例子中,它被启用为“关于”字段的“键盘工具栏”/“弹出窗口”类型。</div>
<div class="list list-strong-ios list-dividers-ios list-outline-ios">
<li class="item-content item-input">
<div class="item-media">
<i class="icon demo-list-icon"></i>
<div class="item-inner">
<div class="item-title item-label">名字</div>
<div class="item-input-wrap">
<input type="text" placeholder="Your name" />
<li class="item-content item-input">
<div class="item-media">
<i class="icon demo-list-icon"></i>
<div class="item-inner">
<div class="item-title item-label">关于</div>
<div class="item-input-wrap">
<div class="text-editor text-editor-init text-editor-resizable" data-placeholder="About"
data-buttons='["bold", "italic", "underline", "strikeThrough"]' data-mode="popover">
<div class="text-editor-content" contenteditable></div>
export default (props, { $f7, $el, $on }) => {
let textEditorCustomButtons;
$on('pageInit', () => {
textEditorCustomButtons = $f7.textEditor.create({
el: $el.value.find('.text-editor-custom-buttons'),
// define custom "hr" button
customButtons: {
hr: {
content: '<hr>',
onClick(editor, buttonEl) {
document.execCommand('insertHorizontalRule', false);
buttons: [["bold", "italic", "underline", "strikeThrough"], "hr"],
$on('pageBeforeRemove', () => {
return $render;